
Grade 5 Personal Projects

As the culmination of their time in Grade 5, at TKS Elementary and the IB Middle Years Program (MYP), the students undertake the externally moderated IB personal project.  This project gives the students the opportunity to consolidate their learning, develop important skills for their move to Middle School, and develop their confidence.  The project is made up of three key areas: a process, a product, and a reflective report, and the assessment covers key areas of self-management, research, communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration.

The Grade 5s can pick any topic of interest to them – many of our TKS students chose projects aligned to the UN SDGs – something that is clearly very important to our young people!  A number of students chose topics relating to alternative energies, and others chose ocean pollution and over-fishing.  As they started to plan for their projects, these students had an opportunity to “meet the experts” – to have a chat and gain valuable insights into their chosen topic from our faculty and researchers at KAUST.