
WISER 2024 Expo & Closing Ceremony

The WISER 2024 Summer Program concluded with an Expo – open to the whole university and community.  The Expo is an excellent opportunity for the interns to share their work.  More than 50 e-posters showcased the work and projects that they had delivered during the four-week program.  Many of them had delivered valuable research, projects, and products that the departments/teams in KAUST will be able to use and apply in the real world.

After the Expo, the university and community were able to celebrate the interns (and mentors) at the Closing Ceremony, where the President of KAUST – Professor Tony Chan – congratulated the cohort on their achievements, emphasized the value of taking part in the WISER program, and wished them well for their future study and career endeavours.

Congratulations to our cohort of 2024… and another program well done!!

Visit the KEY Flickr albums to see all the photos from the WISER Expo and Closing Ceremony.